  • SCR Electrolytic Rectifier
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Modular IGBT based 12v DC power source for plating industry

Modular IGBT based 12v DC power source for plating industry

Application Industry

     Using nanometer amorphous material transformer, the manufacture can realize customer's grid AC input converting to disired value of DC output, and supply DC power for plating tank to do plating on metal or plastic surface to reach plating purpose such as:

1. For metal better good-looking
2. For metal anti-corrosion
3. Avoid abrasion to metal
4. Upgrade conductivity of metal
5. Raise lubricity of the plated parts
6. Increase heat resistance and weather resistance

Our advantages

   You can see our rectifier advantages with low cost,high performance,plus all-around service,all reliable for you.


Software meets customer needs



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Hot Tags: Modular IGBT based 12v DC power source for plating industry China, India, manufacturers, factory, customized, high quality, price


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