- Pulse Electroplating Power Supply
- This pulse power supply adopts IGBT switch rectifier, PWM chopper technology, DSP microcomputer digital control technology and touch ...
- SCR Anodizing Power Supply
- This SCR anodizing power supply adopts thyristor rectifier technology, PLC, DSP microcomputer digital control technology and touch...
industrial power supply
Air Cooling Power Supply
IGBT rectifier
- 50A To 40000A For Anodizing Switching Power Supply
- 50A to 40000A for anodizing switching power supply 1. Application 50A-40000A for anodizing switching power supplr is apliedto: Electrochemistry: Plating, anodizing, electro polishing,electrolysis, electro winning, electro refining, electronic cleaning,tinning, pickling, surface coloring, cathod protection Heating: Inductiveheating, DC heating, single phase AC heating Water treatment: Waste watertreatment, seawater desalination 2. Technical features IGBT  
- Three Phase Switching Power Supply Rectifier For Electrophoresis 500V 40A
- Application: Electrophoresis Efficiency: >85% Control Way: Remote Control Cooling Way: Air Cooling Color: Blue And Grey Type: AC To DC 500V 40A 3 phase electrophoresis power supply rectifier 500V 40A 3 phase electrophoresis power supply rectifier is used to electrophoresis. We have many models for electrophoresis. Such as 0~100V, 0~120V,0~300V. Specification SPECIFICATIONS FOR GKD(M)(H)500-40CVC Input AC 380V±
- Copper Electrolysis Power Supply 36V 3000A Water Cooling Remote Control
- Application: Electrolysis Efficiency: >85% Control Way: Remote Control Cooling Way: Water Cooling Color: Grey And Black Type: AC To DC Product Name: 36V 3000A Water Cooling Copper Electrolysis Power Supply Rectifier 36V 3000A water cooling copper electrolysis power supply rectifier 36V 3000A water cooling copper electrolysis power supply rectifier is used to electrolysis. Such as copper, gold, silver and zinc and so on.&n
- 3 Phase 18V 1000A Igbt Electrolysis Power Supply With Polarity Reversing Function
- Product Name: Polarity Reversing Igbt Rectifier Cooling: Forced Air Cooling Polarity Reverse: Yes Reverse Way: Automatic Reverse Time: 0~99 Hours Adjustbable Size: 1100*510*760mm Weight: 100kg Control: Remote Control With 6 Meter Control Wire 3 phase 18V 1000A igbt electrolysis switch rectifier with polarity reversing function application: Mainly for non-ferrous metal electrolysis: aluminum, magnesium, zinc
- GaAs Gallium Arsenide Power Supply Mass Production UL CE CSA
- GaAs Gallium Arsenide Power Supply Mass Production The output of the circuit breaker QF1 is connected to the primary side of the three-phase transformer. The transformer transforms the input supply voltage into a low voltage range suitable for crystal growth, and at the same time, electromagnetically couples out multiple sets of outputs to satisfy the multistage structure of the crystal growth furnace. For mono-crystal growth furnaces, the transformer's secondary output uses 6 independent power conditioning modules (PRMs) to heat the crystals in the growth
- 2000A 12V Adjusted DC Power Supply Low Ripple
- Full Specifications:2000A 12V adjusted data center DC Power supply Low rippleThis rectifier is suitable for data center process to provide stable DC power supply.This rectifier adopts high frequency IGBT as semiconductor component and PWM modulation technology. It is modular structure design, easy to expand output current capacity, several rectifier modules could be connected in parallel and mounted in stack up to 20 modules to make more current single rectifier. has independent power modules, each module could output independently or output in parallel connection. Technica