Thyristor (SCR) is the abbreviation of crystal thyratron. It is a kind of solid-state semiconductor device with four layers of alternating N and P-type material. They act as bistable switches which can conduct when their gates receive a current trigger, and continue to conduct while they are forward biased. Thyristor rectifiers or SCR rectifiers are usually defined to be synonymous. Silicon controlled rectifier is widely used in electronics, specializing in power control. This rectifier has even been called the workhorse of high power electronics. They are able to switch large levels of power. Thyristor rectifiers or SCR rectifiers are even found to be used in low power electronics where they are used in many circuits from light dimmers to power supply over voltage protection.
The typical thyristor rectifiers (SCR rectifiers) are as follows:
1. KGHS-6DD(12DD)-PLC Series Thyristor Electrolytic Rectifier
2. KGDF(S)--6DD(12DD)KGDF-6DD(I12DD) Series Thyristor Electroplating Rectifier
3. KGDF(S)-6ZH(12ZH) Series SCR Reversing Rectifier